South Saluda Shoals
Location: Scenic Highway 11, Greenville and Pickens Counties, SC
Size: 1+ mile frontage
Habitat: River and floodplain
Public Use: Day use only, hiking and fishing
Partners: SC Conservation Bank, Graham Foundation, John I Smith, Jolley Foundation, SCDOT, Federal Highways Administration, SCDNR, Upstate Forever
Year(s) Protected: 2005-2018
Establishing the South Saluda Shoals corridor was an effort that spanned over 10 years, beginning in 2005 with SCDNR purchasing a property for fishing access on the river. Naturaland Trust raised the funds over a decade to purchase the surrounding parcels as they came on the market by winning competitive state and national grants. Today, this stretch of river is one of the most important trout fishing destinations in the state. Over the ten years, Naturaland Trust purchased and protected over 440 acres creating over a mile of protected and publicly open water. See the maps below to see how Naturaland Trust and our partners have helped protect this natural resource over time.