Green Mountain
Location: Oil Camp Creek Road, Marietta, SC
Size: 139 acres
Habitat: Rolling hills, creek bottom, ridgeline, woods
Public Use: day use, hiking only
Partners: SC Conservation Bank, Graham Foundation, Hollingsworth Funds, Symmes Foundation, John I. Smith Charities
Year Protected: 2013
Situated in the valley below Jones Gap State Park and East of the Ashmore Heritage Preserve, Green Mountain is a 139-acre forested gem that fronts on Oil Camp Creek. Boasting an incredible mix of hardwoods, spring ephemerals, wildlife, and a bustling trout stream, Green Mountain adds to the matrix of protected lands that strengthen the Mountain Bridge Wilderness Area.
This opportunity came to us from two of our conservation heroes, Betsy and David George. The 145-acre property was up for auction and it was being marketed for its large hardwood trees. The Georges did not want to see the forest clear-cut so they went beyond their means to secure the property. They approached us to purchase the mountainous portion of the property and they held onto 6 acres.
With funding from the South Carolina Conservation Bank, Graham Foundation, Hollingsworth Funds, John I Smith Charities, and the Symmes Foundation, we closed on the property in 2013. Access is through a small strip of land with a gate on Oil Camp Creek Road where visitors can enter and cross the creek to enjoy Green Mountain. Please note, there are no designated trails on the property and hikers will get their feet wet crossing Oil Camp Creek to access the the mountain.